Friday, September 9, 2011


ok so since summer is over i thought i would recap of what we did this summer mind you nothing all that exciting.

May- had a baby, took kyler to Thomas the Train for his birthday.

June-hmmm had Karson Endowment and uhhh thats about it.

July- Blessed brooklyn, Kurtis turned 27 Hung out with the family for the 4th of July, I put my knee through a glass table but didn't have to get stitches. Started a think Called the Deseret Treasure Scavenger Hunt with some friends it is our turn to make the clues kinda fun maybe i'll post some of them on here and see if you can solve them.
24th of july parade and fireworks
Brooklyn finally started to sleep through the night.

August-Said goodbye to Karon as he headed out on his mission. Took brooklyn swimming well more like she had a float ride. Went to the aquarium and zoo as our staycation with kyler. Brooklyn stayed with grandma. Went Boating with the Bairs. I attempted to wake skate and found that i wasn't strong enough to do it yet. But hey i can still wake board. oh and kurtis started school. AND WE GOT INTERNET.

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