Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ok I just got home from the movie and am so glad i have tickets for Friday. It was amazing. First let me start with what we had to do to get in. I was given a special ticket which i had to exchange for the real ticket at the theater. It was on a first come first serve basis and they said that they gave out more tickets than there were seats available to insure that it was a sell out. Well after we got our tickets and picked our seats we started the process of getting into the movie. We were searched and gone over with a wand and had our bags checked to make sure that there were no cameras or any other form of electrical device that could take video or picture. Luckily we were some of the first into the theater so we didn't have to wait long. after that we just had to wait for an hour for the movie to start and once you were in you couldn't go out. any now the movie.

With out giving you any spoilers it was amazing. The acting the cinematography, the visuals the screen play it was all great. there were a few parts where the digital cinematograpy was kinda hoaky but over all it was just flat amazing. Everyone should see it the action in this one is AMAZING. and taylor lautner is jacob black. he does a great job. Oh and by the way kudos on the native's casting. my one critique of the first movie was the way they talked about the rez this one since the native's are actually natives was spot on. it actually kinda made me miss the rez.

Once again much better than what i expected and so excited to see it again.

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