Friday, March 4, 2011

A new post finally

ok where to start. lets see

Pregnancy- Its a girl. we're thinking about naming her brooklyn grace or kwinn(said Quinn) grace. If she's going to come out like she is in my belly i think she's gonna be a fiesty one. She lakes to kick anything that i touch with my belly and has recently just started rolling. As of now i'm 29 weeks. 11 weeks to go. yesterday was well honestly my day from hell. I had symptoms of preterm labor in the morning and my dr's office took about 2 hrs to get back to me with wether i should come in or not. Also becuase i was feeling like this i decided it was probably a good idea to get someone to work for me at famous so i started looking for someone at 11:30 am for my shift at 4pm NO ONE in our district could work. anyway so inbetween getting the call back from my dr. telling me i should just take it easy for a few days and monitor the symptoms (little fluid leakage, and tightning of my stomach and dizzyness) and calling people to find someone to work for me kyler comes to me with a red permanent marker and open with writing all over his hands.... so i go look in my newly designed nursery and wouldn't you know my 2 year old has drawn on the crib, bassinet, rocker recliner, the carpet, the baby swing, kurtis' old bed drawer, and a few of his toys oh and on the dress i made back in septmeber for the baby in hopes it was a girl. I know the best thing to happen to someone who is not supposed to be getting stressed out. So after very calmly puttin him in time out and talking about how we don't play with markers i texted becky who i'd been talking to all morning for confidence in myself. And she let me know that permanent marker comes off with rubbing alchohol. THANK YOU. so i got almost all of the marker off the bassinet cover is still soaking in alchohol as the red is turning from red to orange to a yellow and then hopefully back to the cream color it was.

Oh and so i think i narrowed down the reason i may have had the sympotms in the first place to the BYU basketball game on wednesday night. They lost by 20 and i watched it at kurtis' aunt and uncles house (kurtis went to the game with his grandpa). Anyway i really only watched maybe 15 min of it cuz i was so frustrated and it was making me sick. I'm pretty sure my blood pressure got a little high during the game and i didn't feel great for the rest of the night and then everything else happened the next morning. So i hope they pull it together other wise i might not get to watch the Tournament. I know how rediculous but this is really the only thing it can think of that happened in that time frame.

Anyway other than that today i feel great. I ended up having to go to work last night anyway but the manager i closed with seriously wouldn't let me go past half way down the store and made me sit in a chair up at the front for most of the night. (thanks again Steph) When i got home kurtis had me close my eyes and took me ups stairs where he had drawn me a bubble bath with candles around it and had me relax for as long as i wanted in there before showing me his other suprise for me. He had cleaned our house and done the laundry and the dishes as well as made a cake for our ward activity today. Then he made me promise not to do anything today and just to relax. I LOVE YOU KURTIS thanks for loving me so much and taking care of me.

So today is going great. I'm waiting to get a free pair of glasses from Coastal contacts and relaxing writing this blog. My birthday is tomorrow and i have no idea what were going to do kurtis keeps asking me what i want and i honestly have no idea. the only thing i can even think of is a cook book on how to make baby food.

ok as for the rest of our life. well.... not much to report. Kurtis has been playing in a volleyball league on monday nights and is loving it. are ward church ball had there first offical win last weekend and kurtis was way excited. kyler is well kyler growing talking like a 16 yr old girl meaning allllll the time and 90/per. I've been decorating the nursary and making all sorts of things. I've made 2 diaper bags, redone my bumper pads, made a blanket to match, made 2 dresses, a flower headband, recovered our car seat and made a car seat cover for it, and am thinking about making a blanket or a hooter hider. plus going through my house and cleaning like crazy. I hasn't been so bad the last few weeks. but january and begginning of feb i was going crazy with nesting.

I probably won't get on this again till sometime around or after the baby is due so i promise to put pictures of her on after she's hear. hopefully soon we will be getting a new computer and then eventually getting the internet. Kurtis is hoping to go back to school this fall were just waiting to see if we get grant money to cover it from fafsa. anyway hope all is well with everyone and i can't wait for spring.


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