Monday, December 27, 2010
holy crow its been a long time since i've written
well i hope everyone is doing well. As for us we're doing good. Lets see since june hmmmm what has happened.
July kurtis turned 26 we went to the 24th rodeo in ogden and watched the fireworks at the terry's house on the hill.
august well hmmmm i don't really remember anything from august.
September there was a little more going on for labor day we went to "The Cabin" a cabin that kurtis' grandpa helped his dad build back in the 30's i think or 40's. its way nice the way they said it made is sound like a little cabin but i know people in montana that there houses are built like these cabins. there is a main cabin a bunk house and a kitchen cabin. it was really fun getting to hang out with the whole family and be away from the city.
After we got back kyler and i went up to montana for a week or so with Ashley, Ryan and Riley. We had a fun ride we took Ninja with us and Riley really liked that. I got to see jay play football we went to plains and tfalls and even hotsprings for games it was pretty fun. basically we just kinda hung out.
After we got back kurtis and i decided to see if we were pregnant we had been feeling like we were for a few weeks and yep we were/are. we decided not to tell anyone for a while but i ended up getting really really sick with this baby so we told people a little earlier than we were planing.
We came up with kinda a fun way to tell everyone we found a big brother shirt for kyler and took him to kacie's game in it and let them figure it out it took a few of them a while. to figure it out. we sent my family a picture of him at the same time. so anyway the big news of the year is......
WE'RE PREGNANT. we're due May 19th and we get to find out what the baby is this coming thursday the 30th. We're hoping for a girl and with the horrible differences between the two pregnancies if its not a girl the only thing these two pregnancies have in common is that both babies were in my womb. I started to feel good again right before thanksgiving. but before that i was nauseous 24/7 and didn't really eat anything for about 3 months. i've gained about 3 lbs so far total but it might be a bit more after we get home from montana mom and dad always feed me so much when were here.
Anyway had a good halloween. Kyler, ninja and i dressed up as Woody, bullseye and Jessie. it was pretty fun. I tried to get kurtis to dress up as stinky pete but he i guess was just stinky. lol.
thanksgiving was good. we had 2 of them as kurtis' parents were gone to a soccer tourney in vegas for Kacie on the actual day. but we had a great time at grandpa williams on the actual turkey day. and they all had fun mocking me when my cowboys lost.
i had a fun baking day with the Krantz girls out at kami's house in westvalley. we have a little tradition of baking all day and making a ton of stuff to kinda put it in perspective i made about 35 lbs of fudge to split and we had over 300 sugar cookies around the same spritz cookies and drop cookies. we also all came away with Carmel's, toffee, peanut brittle, chex mix, white chocolate popcorn, and a cheeseball. And i'm pretty sure i'm forgetting some things. Anyway it a way fun time to have with everyone.
christmas was kinda crazy. We did a christmas at our house the sunday before we left and at Kurtis' parents that night then we left wednesday night and stayed in Idaho falls and got to mission around 1:30PM on thursday. We had Great Grandma Krantz' 90th bday party on her birthday Christmas eve and all of my parents family except her sister Kristen and her kids were at my parents house for Christmas it was way fun to see everyone and kyler had a lot of fun. Then sunday after church we went with the Krantz's on a old fashioned hay ride out in pablo which was really fun Kyler and Riley had a ton of fun sledding down a hill. all in all a great holiday.
Oh and by the way of people we're related to there are many many babies being born all close to us. We found out Kurtis' cousin Misty is due 6 days before we are and my cousin's are both due within 2 months. Kami is having twins and is due june 16th but will probably deliver about 3 weeks early and ashley is due july 16th so lots and lots of babies. And we just found out on the other side Phillip and Guadalupe are pregnant too. so so many at least this baby will have lots of relatives the same age.
Hope you get a little of whats going on with us right now i know i've forgotten lots but hey at least there is a post now. lol
Monday, June 14, 2010
wow its been a long time.
Well kyler is doing great now his nose is fine except that the day before his birthday he fell and forgot to stick his hands out and rolled up on his nose like a seal. So he spend his 2nd b-day and memorial day since they fell on the same day with a big scuffed up nose. didn't seem to bother him though. what else. He is two repeats everything knows his letters and likes to sing and dance. he loves cars and nemo. He's spoiled rotten he go so much stuff for his birthday i think i should pack half of it up for christmas.
Other news... We're buying a Chevy blazer today and hopefully selling my car today as well. umm kurtis started looking for houses again much to my anxiety. the water rate for our city just jumped from $41 to $75. each month so if we moved out of the city we'd save around 17,000 over the life of our loan just on water.
Bags for bettys is getting into the local farmers market i'm rather nervous but excited at the same time it all seems to be falling together nicely and i have my first shot at it on the 24th of this month.
Kurtis's sister kimly got married on the 22 of last month and now lives in our ward/church boundaries so we get to see them every sunday at least and they like to help with kyler which is nice. Kurtis is yet again playing softball and seems to be thinking its ok. i keep waiting for him to say no to them because he ususally ends up in a bad mood after most games but thats because of the teams they play rather than his team.
I've started running again i ran 4 miles last week and then had to take a few days off because i'm pretty sure i strained my achillies. but hopefully its good now because i'm missing it.
I'm still almost to my goal weight i have 5 lbs to go and were starting our diet again today so we'll see if i can do it. my goal is to do it before i get pregnant again and i'm getting my IUD out on July 8th so go go pounds off quickly.
By the way we have no plans for trying quickly to get prego but i just don't want to know when i'm pregnant in hopes i won't gain as much this time. anyway i got to get going ive got a lot to do today and i need to find my phone so i'll talk at you all later.
Love sam
PS becky let me know when your coming for sure so i can have the beds ready for you your still welcome and were excited to see ya.
Monday, May 17, 2010
ok so another update sorry no pics i keep forgetting them.
Kurtis has lost somewhere around 35 lbs on our diet which offically ends saturday Yay. although we're not really offically going off of it for a while more. He is playing softball monday nights and occationally a volleyball game when a friend needs a sub on thurdsays. Work is in full swing for him and he comes home all nice and muddy everyday. He has declared war on a stump in our back yard. I personally think the stump is winning but he is convinced its not. he spend well all of saturday trying to get it out and it is still there. Though he tells me with a sharpened axe he thinks it will come out in about an hour... we shall see tonight. His knee is healing up but he has some nasty lumps in it left over from the fluid and such. Other than that he's great.
Kyler- well kyler is almost 2 enjoys playing with the dog pushing poor ninja to his limit. he loves everything cars now and nemo. He has just started saying "how bout" and then something other than you say. He loves being outside as do i but we only have intermitten days right now the rain has been crazy weird here lately. so were praying for sun. he pretty much can identify and say any letter in the alphabete but doesn't know his abc's just yet the song anyway. still not potty trained i gave up after ninja became potty trained again. he likes to help clean and pick weeds even though they may not be weeds. Last year kurtis weedeated my decorative grass and this year kyler pulled it up. so i guess its jsut not supposed to be there.
The big news on kyler is that for the last month he has had a runny snotty nose or rather nostril and we have been to the doctor and has bunch of different ideas about what it is. I took him in a little over a month ago thinking that the really stinky breath that it caused was probably strep. but no the doctor said its probably a cold and the mucas was causing the smell if it didn't go away in a week to call and they would give some meds because it was probably a sinus infection. After a week of the amoxicillen for a sinus infection and week 3 of the sickness we decided it might be allergies so the we called the doctor again and he said to go get claritin for kids and give him that once a day. After a few days of that we figured that wasn't the cause as it did absolulty nothing. so then end of that week we were talking with Janet kurtis' mom and she happend to remember that her sister stuck a bean up her nose as a kid and that it smelled really bad. We decided that was probably it so decided we would take him to the doctor on monday as it was saturday night. Sunday i looked up what you can do for something stuck up a kids nose and found that you can manually blow there nose for them so kurtis blew i held and covered his ears and janet was the offical tissue holder. when we blew his nose i about puked the mucus smelled about like a rotting fish or deer or something like that. I'm just glad kurtis blew because if i had done it i would have thrown up in kylers mouth or somthing i know it.
anyway monday came on week 4 of this sickenss and we took him to the doctor. to make a longer story short the doctor pulled out a piece of batting material out of his nose about as long as my pinky. Bleah but that immediatly stopped the really stinky breath that could knock you out from about 5 ft away and he is now almost done with his meds to clean up any leftover infection. just in time for aunt kimly's wedding on saturday. THE JOYS OF HAVING KIDS
now Me- i've offically lost 11 lbs but am bloated this week so i hope next week i'll have lost 2lbs without doing anything lol. i can again fit into my prebaby clothes for the most part except for some shirts as my boobs are still quite a bit bigger then they ever used to be. i jsut got some stuff for my garden mostly herbs, garlic, thyme, tomatoes, and i bought a few fun things like tigerlilies and bamboo. We've been getting our yard all nice for summer. I dream about having a backyard bbq with friends but it still hasn't happened yet. i just need to plan it. Done shopping for kyler bday just have to wrap everything. My purse business i'm hoping will get even more off the ground next month when i join the local farmers market. I've got 4 more purses to finish and i'll have 24 for the market. I've already sold around 10. i've become pretty much a full time crafter lol. other than that not much is up. just enjoing my family and our new pet .
Hope all is well witheveryone. Love ya
Sunday, April 25, 2010
hey sorry its been so long
I did a little DIY project where i painted and recovered the seats on an old metal card table from i'd say about 1960. But it turned out great we love it now.
also kurtis had to go to the emergency room a few weeks ago from a failure to tie his shoes. it ended up that he didn't acutally do anything major to his knee but it was swelled up to about the size of a grapfruit. i have picture of both of these that i'll get up when i remember to bring my camera.
Other news we love our puppy he is doing great. I've sold about 6 purses so thats going good. I cut my hair recently. And combined Kurtis and i have lost over 30 lbs in 2 months. him losing most of that i've only lost 9 so far.
we are getting new neighbors what we are really excited about they have a 2 year old son as well and she is getting ready to have another one in june though she doesn't even look pregnant. They are a fun nice couple and we're so excited for them to acutally move in. He's a big BYU fan so we figure there will be lots of talking with him and kurtis.
ummmm kyler and i are going to montana the end of this week to a bridal/groom shower for my cousin josh who happens to be getting married the same day as my sister in law. but two states away.
other than that not to much has been going on we're excited about the weather and the summer and can't wait to get out into it. I'm excited to start running again and biking so other than that i think thats really it.
hope all is well with everyone.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
3 years and counting
1.We had kyler
2. i quit really working
3. we bought a house
4. kurtis switched jobs,
5. we have three pets ( goofy our fish, mander our salamander, and Ninja our puppy)
6. we've gotten life insurance
7. we've bought new furniture
8. we've made a few other big purchases ( piano, and laptop) both presents for me by the way.
9. we've both gained a lot of weight
10. we're both on a diet to loose it.
I feel so blessed and accomplished at 26 and having all that we need and a lot of our wants. Besides our house we have no debt and have been really lucky to not have many major expenses for medical or other reasons yet knock on wood.
We have a wonderful little boy who besides getting into everything right now and starting the terrible 2's early is really a great kid and really easy.
We live in a wonderful quiet nehbiorhood where i can take kyler on walks to the park and we can play in the backyard and feel like its just us.
We have a beautiful home that besides our leak last spring we've really not had to do much with.
We have a great support system of family so close that if we need anything they are all there and willing to help. they have been so great for us and are really our closest friends.
were so thankful for kurtis' new job he's been there now for just over a year. He loves the work and i think really has ever come home mad once since he has worked there as opposed to pretty much everyday before. he enjoys learning new things and loves working outside and in the dirt. Ke also loves who he works with. We're so happy for this job.
I'm so thankful for kurtis for his willingness to works so i can stay home with kyler i've loved getting to watch him grow up and to be able to take care of our home. Kurtis may not know it but he does help out around the house more than he thinks. I love him so much and am so thankful that through it al we've ended up together on this crazy road. We've shared so much in the last few years. When we first got married everyone told us we would argue like an old married couple, i think that has been a blessing to us we've always been comfortable with each other so we are absolutly able to enjoy each other and enjoy time by ourselves while being together aswell.
Kurtis i love more than anything 14349 13.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
church Ball champs
We actually ended up winning region. I think i've figured out why i always had random brusis in highscool. i made it through most of the games unscathed but our second to last game with a pretty hot headed team i jammed my thumb really bad and then it got bent back. I iced it when i got home and the next morning it was still huge and was starting to turn colors. I couldn't really move it so i thought i might have broken it but as you know me i played anyway. I actually think it have me a nice light touch on the ball because i think i scored like 12 points including a buzzer beater at half.
Anyway i'm so glad i got to play with these girls i had so much fun and can't wait till next year. Oh and my thumb isn't to bad i just have a bruise all around my palm and into my wrist. lol seriously i've never had a jammed finger hurt this bad but i think i only broke a blood vessel or something and thats why its brusied so bad. I'd take a picture but it just kinda looks like a shadow so i don't know if you could see it.
oh and a big thank you to kurtis who stayed home with kyler and ninja while i was out playing 4 games. he was stuck at home with them for 3 nights. thanks hun love you.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Poor Puppy
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We're so happy for our new addition. The only problem we have is that he hates hates hates being left alone but hopefully he'll get a little better. I mean i only leave for groceries and small arrends so its not a long time but he barks when i leave. anyway more later i'll get a few morre pics up too. thanks for those that weighed in on the subject.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Addition to the family!!!


Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Year of 25.
1. I acutally enjoy cleaning. After cleaning my parents house even though it wasn't so fun in the middle of the task i really enjoy seeing a finished result of cleaning and decorating a space.
2. Traveling on a plane with a 1 yr old is never easy or fun. especially by yourself and when they loose your luggage.
3. I acutally enjoy running when i finally make myself do it.
4. Craft projects really arent' that bad.
5. Cutting yourself bad enough to have to get stitches really isn't that hard and only takes a second.
6. Baking a cheesecake is really easy. If you haven't had it and you like cheese cake ask me to make you my dolce de leche cheesecake sometime
7. Loosing weight after you've had children or rather one child is not easy for everyone. I ran 1 to 2 miles for 3 months and only lost a pound. but now i'm down 10 so its alright.
8. Your family can be your friends. We don't really hang out with friends anymore probably because of schedules and kyler needing to get to bed, but we do hang out with our families all the time and play games and have fun. its actually really nice.
9. Disneyland really is a wonderful place even if the first time you go to it your 25.
10. I can kinda play soccer. i played indoor soccer this year on a family team and had a blast.
11. The almost terrible 2's are HORRIBLE.
12. i love Jane Austin
13. I got to Enjoy the ocean for the 1st time since kurtis and i got married.
14. Kyler doesn't like the ocean but likes seagulls and sand.
15. you can get a scratch on your eyeball but still be able to function well... for the most part anyway.
16. A rearranged living room can change your whole house.
17. I can acutally sew. Keep Checking out Bags for Bettys.
18. I got to go into a water resivore before it was filled.
19. Going to see my brothers graduation. even though i had to fly out before he actually graduated getting to spend the time with him right before he did.
20. I'm not very good at starting new blogs. I've tried to start two other blogs but they both only lasted about a week.
21. it is possible for a grown adult to enjoy cartoons better than her 1 yr old son. I love Jane and the Dragon and Jacob two two.
22. Getting to go see a childhood friend get married. My Friend Nick got married this summer.
23. i've learned how gratifying it is to be able to teach 17 and 18 year olds and to watch young men grow as they get ready to go on missions.
24. That it is possible to love a child more and more each year, and a husband.
25. that i have a wonderful support system of family , and friends that i love to talk to and hear from all the time.
Thanks to all of you that have been a part of my year of being 25.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
The frustrations of starting your own buisness.
1. time spent
2. money spent
3. no results yet
4. frustration
5. dirty house
6. fast pressured dinners
7. loving your product but not getting any bites yet.
8. the scariness of not getting any bites yet. i know it takes a while but its still scary.
9. the frustrations of sewing troubles
10. trying to figure out how to get your name out there.
I know starting a business is hard work, and i know it takes time but it doesn't mean i can't be like everyone else that starts a business and be frustrated. I'm afraid to make more bags cuz what if i don't sell them. and i'm afraid to stop becuase well what if i start selling them. I keep justifying it by thinking about the spring and haveing a booth at the farmers market. then i think about the cost of that ugh. and i have to deisgn a stand that with "stand out" and look professional. I guess i just wait for that one to get here and take it when it comes. In the mean while i've learned how to sew an internal zipper pocket and make it look professional because hey i'm going to be a professional i guess. Anyway if i liked animal prints i'd love my newest bag. so here it is for you to look at. let me know if you have any suggestions on bags that you guys like and designs you like so i can see if i can recreate them.
I haven't worked at famous more than one day this month so i've had a lot of time to get things together. and lots of designing time. i'm starting to make smaller bags as well but haven't taken any pics of them yet. please give me as much input as you can its really great. thanks to all.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Couponing Love
Friday, February 5, 2010
Check out the pic i drew for my logo do you think it looks kinda like me?

I think this one looks the most like me. Anyway i have a friend helping me come up with an offical logo. He has a shop called Resistance Ride Shop "For Us by Us" They sell hoodies and t-shirts. you should check them out at
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Got Some Pics Up. How long could i be a stay at home mom in UT without starting my own home business?
So cross your fingers for me as i start out on this new journey.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
kyler pics
Monday, January 25, 2010
lets call it sickness delirium
sickness dislike list
1. one nostril breathing.
2. no nostril breathing
3. the nasty taste of cough medicine
4. kyler's snot on all of my clothes as i can never keep up with his nose.
5. headaches. i really miss the 23 years i had virtually without a real headache.
6. Flem induced laryngitis
7. hot and cold flashes
8. packed sinuses
9. cruddy gunkie eye goobers
10. not wanting to do anything ad if you do do something regretting it later.
that said i've still had some nice things the last week.
1. Kurtis took a day off because he was sick along with the rest of us.
2. watching movies in my pj's while being wrapped up in a nice fuzzy blanket on the couch
3. kyler nuggling down with me.
4. Homemade Chicken noodle soup
5. reading. kurtis finished a book this week and i finished one and started another. and i've read 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish to kyler probably 20 times this week.
6. Napping and not feeling bad about it. I can't nap generally but when i'm sick all i seem to want to do is sleep. and i have done a lot of it during the day as kyler has only had one night this week that he slep though.
7. Warm showers
8. not going out in the hustle and bustle. the only place i've been in the last week is to costco for milk. oh and we stopped at target for some meds.
9. fuzzy socks. warm fuzzy socks
10. sickly family time. since we're all sick we spend all the time together. the only problem is that
Thursday, January 21, 2010
random thoughts
I hate getting older A few months ago i sprained my ankle pretty bad and i just recently started working out again and feeling great. Well monday we played some family basketball and i went up for a rebound against my husband and came down on his foot and sprained it again. So now i am layed up again. I HATE GETTING OLDER. i know that all the injuries i sustained as a younger person are already going to be giving me arthritis as i get older but i hate it now when i hurt myself it is acutally something that hurts me.
i miss clean air. Until just a few days ago utah had the top 5 cities with the worst air quality in the nation. It hurt to breathe outside and was all gloomy. it makes me miss my home in the big sky state, i'd gladly take the freazing cold if i could at least breath.
I've turned into a utah mom. Complete with cooking, cleaning and crafting. I even just started a new blog about these three things so i can have somewhere to talk about just them. Growting up i never thought that i would ever live in utah let alone actually become one of the utah moms. lol.
I love being a mom. Kyler loves and nuggles are the best things there are. I love it when he learns something new and gets excited about it.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
New Years Resolutions
ok So i don't really beleive in making new years resolutions simply because most people fail them so instead of resolutions i just call it my working list for self improvement. So here you go
- Lose 10 more lbs and become healthier in my eating and lifestyle
- do at least a mini triathalon
- read jesus the christ.
- Finish all the works of jane austin (i have 3 left to go i got all of her books for christmas)
- teach kyler his ABC's
- start potty training Kyler.
- dejunk my junk(house storage)
- get a garden growing
- try to live a greener life
- do family night every week
thats my list for now. There's a lot of reading and a lot of exercise on it. So hopefully i'll be able to at least accomplish half of them. anyway there it is its out there maybe it will give me more gumption to do it all.
Oh and side not if your the work out at home type i found a great video for only $9.00 at walmart or $8.00 at costco that i've been doing for a week now. Its "The biggest Loser Cardio Boot Camp" I would reccomend it to anyone. It lets you choose your work out and gradually get harder at your own speed and the greatest thing is that you don't need anything but the video. it helps if you have some free weights but you don't need them. I kicked my but last week or so i feel like it literally did. I haven't been this sore since i was in basketball hell week. but its a good sore and i feel great for the rest of the day after i do it. So there's my little plug for them.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
christmas New years and beyond
Running after the cat
I did get him out but of course not until after i got a few pics.